Most items (apparel, mugs, bags, tumblers) are made from our warehouse as each order comes in. Our turnaround time fluctuates based on order volume, but our typical turnaround time is 5 business days (not including shipping). This does not include Saturday and Sunday. If you have a special event that you need your order quickly for, please reach out and check current turnaround times before placing your order.
You will receive an email with tracking information once your order has left our facility.
We are not responsible for delays in delivery. Please keep in mind there is absolutely nothing we can do to get your package to you faster after we have left it in the hands of the courier company. Please use the tracking number provided to you before reaching out. The information provided with your tracking number is the same information we have.
We are not responsible for any customs & import taxes.
Light and Shine is not responsible for:
- Delays with postal service
- International duties or customs charges
- Items marked as delivered but not received
It is the buyer's responsibility to make sure that he or she enters the shipping address correctly. We are not responsible if a package is shipped back to us due to an incorrect or undeliverable address. We do our best to speed up processing and shipping times; hence, there is a minimal time gap to cancel/change your order or change its address. If you decide to cancel your order or change your shipping address, please contact us as soon as you place your order. We will do our best to make the change; however, we cannot guarantee that we can do so.
If there is a problem with your tracking number or package delivery, please contact the courier directly before contacting us. Please allow 1-4 business days for your tracking information to show. In some rare cases, tracking information may not update, but you will still receive your order. Please contact us after the estimated delivery time has passed and we will look into it with the courier.
All our shipments include tracking numbers. If your tracking information confirms that the item has been delivered to your order address, but you have not received your order, please contact the carrier directly to investigate this issue. We cannot be held accountable for packages where tracking information states the package has been delivered to your order address.
We are not responsible for any customs & import taxes.
Light and Shine is not responsible for:
- Delays with postal service
- International duties or customs charges
- Items marked as delivered but not received
It is the buyer's responsibility to make sure that he or she enters the shipping address correctly. We are not responsible if a package is shipped back to us due to an incorrect or undeliverable address. We do our best to speed up processing and shipping times; hence, there is a minimal time gap to cancel/change your order or change its address. If you decide to cancel your order or change your shipping address, please contact us as soon as you place your order. We will do our best to make the change; however, we cannot guarantee that we can do so.
If there is a problem with your tracking number or package delivery, please contact the courier directly before contacting us. Please allow 1-4 business days for your tracking information to show. In some rare cases, tracking information may not update, but you will still receive your order. Please contact us after the estimated delivery time has passed and we will look into it with the courier.
All our shipments include tracking numbers. If your tracking information confirms that the item has been delivered to your order address, but you have not received your order, please contact the carrier directly to investigate this issue. We cannot be held accountable for packages where tracking information states the package has been delivered to your order address.